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Track Shipment

Track your shipment here by filling in your tracking number below:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order please let us know via or via the contact form and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.


Tracking FAQs

I have received certain items, but not all items in my order?

We ship our products from different warehouses around the world, and always do our best to ship your items from the closest warehouse to your location. However, this might mean that some items arrive on different dates than others, as they are shipped from different warehouses. We are constantly working on stocking up our warehouses with as many products as we can, but you can probably imagine this is not always possible with 1800+ products and 3 warehouse locations. Rest assured, you will get all your items.

Why isn't my tracking number working?

Often, tracking numbers will only function on domestic orders, as foreign postal systems will not update the location of the package in our carriers' systems. International shipping usually takes between 2-4 weeks, so you can estimate that it will take about that long from the time your package ships until you'll receive it. If your order is domestic and the tracking number doesn't work, please let us know so we can make sure that your items were properly shipped.

The tracking number says delivered, but I haven't received my order?

All domestic delivery issues become the responsibility of USPS once it’s been shipped from our warehouse or suppliers. You can contact USPS at (800) 275-8777 to locate your package at your local post office.

Do you still have a question? Send us a message through the contact form!